Gout Treatments

Gout is possibly one of the most common forms of arthritis or joint inflammation. It appears as an acute attack often with symptoms coming on overnight. Within 12-24 hours there is found severe pain and swelling in the affected joint or joints. The skin over the joint may be red and shiny. You may also notice a bit heat emanating from the joint.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What causes Gout?

What causes Gout?

Uric acid causes "Gout".  It is a chemical which is a natural part of the normal breaking down and building up of food and tissues of the body. The level in the blood can be measured and shows how much there is in the body overall. The condition of raised blood uric acid is called hyperuricaemia. When this is present, the uric acid which is normally dissolved in the blood may, from time to time, form microscopic crystals in the joint and cause GOUT.

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